I continued my studies of the salt marshes of Southern Maine at mostly one location for 2023. I think the paintings span from May until November. They aren't in chronological order but see if you can guess when or what season they were painted. ( yeah, sometimes the titles are a give away. I know.)
In August of 2022, I went on the annual family vacation for a week but structured my days different from everyone else. The mornings were spent painting and after lunch was spent taking long bike rides in the woods. I spent my painting time meditating on the salt marshes of the York River. The bike rides allowed me to contemplate that morning's painting session.
In fall of 2021, I sent myself on a DIY Artist Residency to Southern CA. These works are primarily from the Santa Barbara waterfront. There I encountered not only bright sunlight on the Pacific but also the the incredible atmospheric light of the daily marine fog.